Webinar Replay: Current and Future Treatment of Fuchs Dystrophy by Dr. Mark Terry.  Watch Now

Sound Familiar?

“When I was first told I had Fuchs’ Dystrophy I had no idea what it was or what I should do…”

We are here to help.

Webinar Replay

Title: Current and Future Treatment of Fuchs Dystrophy
Dr. Mark Terry, M.D.
Date Recorded: Tuesday March 10, 2025

Research Articles

View some of the latest research and breakthroughs  —  articles for greater understanding of current and future treatments of corneal dystrophies.

What is Fuchs’ Friends?

The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation’s private online support group (Fuchs’ Friends) is a place of information and shared experience for people with all types of corneal dystrophies.

Patient Story

“I was terrified of going blind.”

After finding an amazing surgeon from Fuchs’ Friends, this patient’s confidence superseded her nerves.

Found Hope!

Experience some of our featured stories from volunteers, donors and supporters.

Pay It Forward By Donating

Our foundation flourishes because we have dedicated supporters who share their experiences and effectively communicate them with others. This communication needs your monetary support to educate and support others on their journey to better eyesight.  To keep our website and literature up-to-date we need you to pay it forward by donating to our foundation.

Thank you, in advance, for your generosity

Patient Advocacy & Support thru Fuchs’ Friends®

Since 1998, helping thousands of people in 160 countries to find corneal help, the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation provides support and information for individuals and families with a corneal dystrophy.



We offer a vast major of services via literature, support groups, and localized specialists.



We depend on the involvement and generous support of individuals, businesses, and foundations.



Consider giving a gift to support our mission of helping people with corneal dystrophy.

Corneal Articles

Research Articles

Uncovering the Mysteries in Your Genes

Genetic Testing Is the Key to Our Health Secrets Our genome may one day serve as a passport guiding our health care – from cradle to grave. By Jaimie Seaton UCSF Magazine Summer 2024At its most basic, genetic testing looks ...

Patient Stories

Elmarie’s Story

We found this on the Great Non-Profits website and wanted to share it with you. We encourage you to share your story on their site.I found out in 2012 that I have Fuchs Dystrophy. The doctor at the time told me that it was ...
CDF Patient Stories

Corneal Dystrophy Foundation Blog

Why We Smile

Meet Wade:(details are not given to protect his privacy)Monday, Wade’s grandmother emailed the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. Wade was 5 days old, born in the Midwest.  Wade was diagnosed with CHEDS a major eye problem that could ...

“Thank you for sending me the April Newsletter. In 2005 my daughter was able to contact your Fuchs’ Friends Group on the internet and collect many encouraging testimonies of those who had success with Dr. Terry and his procedure. The result of my trip to Portland and Dr. Terry’s surgery I came home with perfect vision in my right eye! I thank God daily for Dr. Terry and his mission for good vision.”

– Irving, Arkansas

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