Research Articles

View some of the latest research and breakthroughs articles for corneal dystrophy.

LASIK and Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

Skip Atkins, Board of Directors; Mentor,. Fuchs' Friends

Many patients with Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (FECD), including members of Fuchs Friends, seek refractive surgery such as LASIK 1 but wonder about its safety in the setting of their disease. This question has been ...

Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

Skip Atkins, Board of Directors; Mentor,. Fuchs' Friends

Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (FECD) is a disease primarily affecting the posterior (innermost) surface of the cornea, including the single layer of corneal endothelial cells and the membrane upon which they are arrayed, known ...

DMEK, DSO, and Gold Standards

Skip Atkins, Board of Directors; Mentor, Fuchs Friends

An article1 recently appearing in the journal Cornea, entitled “Descemet Stripping Only for Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy: Will It Become the Gold Standard?” poses an ...

The Future for the Care of Fuchs’ Dystrophy

Mark Gorovoy MD

Fuchs’ dystrophy is the most common diagnosis resulting in endothelial keratoplasty (EK), either DSAEK or DMEK, with the latter being an exact diseased tissue replacement These 2 procedures have been transformative, but progress ...

Covid-19 and Corneal Transplant Recipients

Christopher Sales, MD, MPH

Here’s the take-home message: The average corneal transplant recipient is not at increased risk for contracting COVID-19 because of their corneal transplants’ steroid eye drops. Let me walk you through why. There are ...

An Introduction to Fuchs’ Dystrophy for Patients

Christopher Sales, MD, MPH

Preface:I wrote the original draft of this to help my patients with Fuchs’ Endothelial Dystrophy better understand their disease and their therapeutic options. In 2018, one of my patients asked whether I’d be ...

High-Order Aberrations and Corneal Dystrophies

Sanjay V. Patel, MD FRCOphth

You might have heard the terms “aberrations” or “high-order aberrations”, but what are they, and do you need to worry about them? Simply put, “aberrations” are the different types of refractive error that an individual might have. ...

Dry Eye

Yuri McKee, MD

What we typically call “Dry Eyes” is really more accurately described as “Dysfunctional Tear Film”. People with this condition may have no symptoms at all or may experience a variety of conditions which may give us irritated, dry ...

“Thank you very much for all you do to serve those of us with Fuchs’ Dystrophy”

- Bas, OR

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