Carole Vits

Board of Directors
Secretary / Moderator

Between teaching for many years, a central administration role requiring a great deal of leadership, and a lifetime of musical performance, I am comfortable speaking in front of any size group. I have also been heavily involved in planning meetings, workshops, etc.

Carole resides in Golden CO with here husband George


BS in Education, Music

MA in Education, Curriculum and Instruction/Humanities

Work Experience:

Teacher: Vocal Music; Gifted Ed; Health Ed; Language Arts

Senior High, Junior High, Elementary

1962-1971; 1983-1993

Administrative: Jeffco Arts in Education Program

Jefferson County Schools, CO


Curriculum Development; Teacher Training; Teacher support

College level teaching; outside consulting

Choral Director:

Valle del Oro Resort, Mesa, AZ

75 voice choir, providing music for weekly church services;

annual secular concert.

Community outreach: schools; senior housing; orphanage, Baja, MX; Anglican Church and Senior Center, Weymouth, England


Church Boards: member/officer—CO and AZ

Personal strengths:

Communication: written and oral



Personal: wife of George; mother of two sons; grandmother of 5; great-grandmother of 1, and still singing–solos and in 2 church choirs.

Carole resides with George, her husband in Colorado

Carole Vits
Golden, CO

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