Mary Luby

Board of Directors
CFO / Treasurer / Fulfillment

Mary is retired from the business community having been a high school teacher in math and science before going into the small business community. There I handled employee relations, insurance and accounting.  This experience gave me a board understanding of all aspects of the business community as well as its relationship with local government.

In the late 1980’s a good friend of mine was diagnosed the Fuchs’ Corneal Dystrophy.  I watched her progressively loose functionality due to her eye problems, but she was an inquisitive fighter who was determined to learn more about the disease and to share that knowledge through interaction with others who had the same problem.  As a consequence, she and Bob founded The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation.  After she passed I became more involved with the foundation and its mission of sharing Fuchs’ experiences with others to give them knowledge and hope.

Although I do not personally have the disease I am confident that the Foundation has had a profound effect on the advancement of treatment for Fuchs’ as well as the peace of mind that comes with being able to communicate with others who have been through the same journey.

Mary Luby
Mary Luby
La Habra, CA

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