Paulette Manzione Carr

Board of Directors

A lifetime of affiliation with the military, first as a dependent daughter, then for many years as a military spouse, offered the opportunity for Paulette Manzione Carr to experience living in many foreign countries in Europe, Asia Minor and Africa.

While overseas, Paulette participated in many projects including volunteering as a broadcaster for the Southern European Network and Voice of America. She also served as liaison and registrar for Harford Community College in Germany. In later assignments she was assistant to the commander of Post Engineers in Vicenza, Italy, and similarly, for the Defense Commissary Agency in Cairo, Egypt. In Washington, DC she was a linguist for IRIS, International Reporting and Information Systems.

After her husband’s retirement from a long military career, together they embarked on establishing a financial services company. Paulette organized and managed operations, and for the past 24 years has served as Vice President of Carr Capital Management, Inc., in Largo, Florida.

Auxiliary Member MOAA, Military Officers of America Association, Mentor, Fuchs’ Friends, Overseas Brat, Army Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Matriarch.

Paulette Manzione Carr
Seminole, FL

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