
Read the latest news and insights from The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation.

Why We Smile

Meet Wade:(details are not given to protect his privacy)Monday, Wade’s grandmother emailed the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. Wade was 5 days old, born in the Midwest.  Wade was diagnosed with CHEDS a major eye ...

Our Founder, Bob

With profound sorrow, we announce the passing of Robert “Bob” Bellizzi, 4/13/1931 - 4/8/2024, Executive Director and Founder of The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. Our mind says that he is no longer in pain but our hearts and family ...

Empowering & Protecting Your Family

Encouraging, informative and very helpful video,  Subtitles enabled in EnglishPractice social distancing, frequent hand washing, not touching your face with unwashed hands and much more.

COVID-19 and Your Corneal Transplant

Dear Bob:I have had a few worried text messages from patients. Other members of yours I am sure are worried about their transplants being affected by COVID-19 and if their transplants affect their risk for COVID-19.Patients ...

Highlights from the Chicago Local Group Meeting

A dozen people attended the July 13, 2019, meeting of this group. One had a first DMEK the week prior to the meeting. Two others have not had any surgeries. As no speaker was scheduled, each person around the long conference table ...

Meeting notes MetroDC Local Group

In January, we had a small but lively and rewarding meeting that included two new participants who each drove an hour or more to attend their first corneal dystrophy support group meeting.We discussed experiences consulting with ...

Update, Ann’s DMEKs at Moorfields, London, UK

Ann W's DMEK Blog update February 2018

I put a little bit about my second Dmek/ cataract operation back in May 2016 in instalment 4 but sure enough by the time I had my Moorfields check up appointment in December 2016 I had ...

“Thank you for giving my wife, the gift of good eyesight!”

- Russ, GA

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