Esta’s Story – Please don’t wait!

Jan 30, 2024 | Patient Stories

I was born with amblyopia left eye and astigmatism, and decades later developed cataracts and floaters. Despite Ophthalmic exams, I went undiagnosed with my vision declining to legally blind in left eye and severe symptoms effecting my life due to Fuchs’.  I was told by one of the Ophthalmologists that I was middle aged, to put on my glasses and be happy.

Out of desperation in Fall of 2016 at age 53, I went to a Corneal Specialist who diagnosed Fuchs’ Dystrophy in fifteen seconds using a routine slit lamp eye exam.  I had never heard of it.

I was told I could not have a donor cornea tissue graft because it would be both unethical and negligent because the disease had not progressed to a worst case scenario.  I drove home crying and devastated, but would soon learn through Fuchs’ friends this was not congruent with current treatment and waiting till worst case can effect efficacy of treatment.

I traveled to meet and had positive experiences with Fuchs’ specialists:  Dr. Colby, Dr. Gorovoy, and Dr. Jun and sent my medical records to:  Dr. Melles, Dr. Price and Dr. Terry.  I told them I wanted “Descemet’s Stripping”, a minimally invasive procedure not requiring donor tissue graft that restores vision naturally.  It later would be named “Descemet’s Stripping OnIy”,  “DSO”, by Dr. Mark Gorovoy which I reported to Fuchs’ friends in an April 6, 2018 post.

Three said “ Yes” and three said “No” to DSO recommending DMEK.  At time of scheduling, a fourth was no longer offering it.  With four “No’s” and two “Yes’s”, I scheduled with Dr. Mark Gorovoy in Fort Myers, FL. The cataracts were mild.  The Fuchs’ in left eye was a very worst case scenario and right eye was worst case with each having central guttae of 5-6mm.  I was told I was on the line of being and not being a DSO candidate and that it was my choice.

At the age of 55 I received DSO, Cataract removal+Toric lens both eyes by Dr. Mark Gorovoy February and July 2018.  “Gorovoy Forceps” were used for the first time in my Feb DSO.  It was a success starting with very worst left amblyopic eye uncorrected vision prior to surgery 20/200 (Legally blind) five weeks later 20/15 (Nurse said a miracle) and six years later maintaining at 20/30 and with uncorrected vision of right eye pre 20/60 and post to 20/25.

Soft rock music was playing in Gorovoy’s purple walled surgical center where at pre op, I received fifty eyedrops plus anesthesia and the procedure was quick.  I was awake and could hear Dr. Gorovoy and the nurse talking to me. Recovery from surgery was rapid and did not need to take aspirin after.  Vision was like a cloudy white film.  I went shopping, had lunch, lost peripheral vision that came back in a few days, at afternoon appointment pressure tested high which Dr. Gorovoy said was normal for day of surgery, bought over fitter sunglasses to wear over my sunglasses to help with extreme light sensitivity and popped the left lens out of my prescription glasses. I walked the beach at sunset , was reading and writing that night. Pressure was back to normal in seven day post DSO follow up.

I had two medicinal eyedrops: Glanatec for two months and a compound steroid antibiotic for one month.  No patch over eye.  I could do anything I wanted except get eye wet for two months, slept on my side and was driving 24 hours after surgery.

Left eye was red for a few days, uncomfortable for a month feeling like a contact was in it the wrong way. Vision started gradually improving eight days post DSO and by two weeks, I could see minute details.  At fifth week follow up uncorrected vision was 20/15 which would change in time to 20/30.  Two months and 3 weeks post DSO, I was on a hiking trip in Europe wearing my prescription glasses with left lens popped out.

Right eye DSO, Cataract removal+Toric lens was uncomfortable only day of surgery.  Eye pressure was normal at afternoon appointment and I put my prescription glasses away.  Though was told I would not be able to read without prescription glasses post DSO, I traveled to my fifth week follow up without the need of prescription or non prescription glasses!  Per Dr. Gorovoy’s instructions, I discontinued use of Glanatec at fifth week because of eye irritation.

DSO does not eradicate Fuchs’.  My severe symptoms are now insignificant. I can read without glasses and don’t have prescription glasses for the first time since a young age.  I am thrilled with my vision and continue to travel to Florida for yearly appointments.

Both my maternal grandmother that went blind and my mother that had symptoms, received yearly Ophthalmic exams and wore prescription glasses but were not diagnosed.

Please don’t wait!  Be your own advocate warrior.  Track Fuchs’ with yearly exams, research, learn and ask questions about this rare disease that requires of a Fuchs’ specialist a new learning curve, finesse, skill, technique, method, training and many proven successful outcomes to receive a qualified unbiased evaluation, information on treatment options and treatment for your best visual outcome.

Get a second opinion if possible.  Had I accepted the first cornea specialist’s opinion, the four Fuchs’ specialist’s “No’s” to DSO, or delayed treatment allowing the disease to continue to progress, I would not have been a DSO candidate.

Mentor, Fuchs’ Friends
The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation

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