Support Group
What is Fuchs’ Friends®?
Fuchs’ Friends is The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation’s private online support group. It is a place of information, shared experiences and support for people with all types of Corneal Dystrophies. This private group is hosted on a platform called
This support group is a major outreach of The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. We have conversations with you via email and questions are answered from those who have been in your place, searching for answers, as well as those who have been treated for their corneal dystrophies.
When you are diagnosed by your Doctor with an eye condition, the search for information begins. You are on an emotional roller coaster ride, caused by the shock of the diagnosis and fear of the unknown. You need to know what this is, what you can do about it and how bad is it. We can help! Just ask a question, make a comment and there will be an answer.
In order to gain access to this group, you must join. Click on the join button, submit the completed form, and start talking after you have received a welcome letter from The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. Joining the group will also give you access to our Patient Recommended Specialists List.
New Members?
Current Members?
Fuchs Friends was founded in 2000 when two people who suffered from Fuchs’ Corneal Dystrophy met. They decided to start a support group at a new site that eventually became Yahoo Groups. The group grew quickly and within a few years expanded to over 1000 active members.
It currently has approximately 4700 active members and has archived over 170,000 individual messages in which members posted questions and others answered (replied) based on their own experience and knowledge. The process continues and newer members eventually become the experienced ones and “pay it forward” by providing their acquired knowledge and experience to those who follow.
Since its’ inception in 2000, Fuchs Friends has helped over 10,000 people and continues to expand it’s body of knowledge about this disease which if left untreated, will eventually case blindness.
Fuchs Friends was the first patient advocacy operated online support group for Corneal Dystrophy sufferers and has the longest continuous history of operation and the largest population of members with these diseases.
Benefits of joining Fuchs’ Friends
- It’s a free online group!
- Over 4700+ members from all over the world
- A safe place to access information, support and facts
- Access to our Patient Recommended Specialist directory
- NVDA screen reader compatible for low vision and blind persons
- Ability to easily search for answers via keywords and phrases
- Answers received are permanent and accessible via archives
- Members adhere to strict terms and conditions
Join Fuchs’ Friends
New Members: Please fill out and submit the application below.
Current Members: If you are a current member please do not fill out this form. For changes in your membership or other needs, you must write to the message board moderator.
Questions? Contact us
Please read before you fill out the form (click to open)
- Please don’t submit information with CAPS lock on.
- We perform address and other checks on prospective members randomly. If your information is found to not be accurate you may lose your membership in this group.
- Please do not use business information on this form.
- We shall hold your name, street address, telephone number and email address in strictest confidence.
- Completion and submission of this form to our web site implicitly gives us your permission to utilize your other information,
such as gender, age, location to develop demographics about Corneal Dystrophy. - We do not sell or otherwise provide personal information such as names or specific locations to other organizations.
- Postal and/or email address may be used to send you important information.
- Please ensure that you complete all fields completely and accurately.
- Each application is reviewed by a person who may perform validity checks on your information.
- Deliberately erroneous or incomplete information will affect your ability to reapply. We will not inform you if a check shows the provided info is incorrect.
“…then I found this group…we’re so thrilled and so indebted to all of you in this group for the amazing information you provide. And we hope that (my husband’s) journey through this process will inspire others.”
– Skye, California