What is the Specialist’s List

Good specialists are difficult to find and none are perfect.  That is why we encourage you to join Fuchs’ Friends where you can:

    1. Communicate with others who have the same or similar eye problems.
    2. Have access to a specialized doctor’s list that is compiled using recommendations of individual patients who have or are/were currently being treated

What is the Specialists List:

    1. The specialists list contains the names and addresses of doctors who were referred by members of Fuchs’ Friends throughout the years.
    2. The list is only available to members of Fuchs’ Friends, our private and confidential online group.
    3. The list is based on the feelings of the patients who made the recommendation at the time of the recommendation.
    4. The recommended specialists list is only a starting point in your journey to make one of the most important decisions of your life.
    5. Because the list has been compiled over numerous years some of the doctors on the list may not have kept up with the many innovative improvements that have taken place in this field during the past 25 years.
    6. We do not personally vet the doctors to see how many surgeries or what types of surgeries they perform. Because each person’s unique medical needs and histories are unknown to others, that is the individual patient’s responsibility.
    7. In our literature “Visiting Your Doctor” we suggest questions to ask prospective doctors while you making your choice of surgeon.
    8. We also encourage you to become involved in discussions within the Fuchs’ Friends community. Answers to your questions received from those who have already experienced the same questions and found results can be very helpful.
    9. Fuchs Friends members are here to help you find a doctor who meets your needs and provide guidance from their experiences; however, the responsibility of picking a Corneal Specialist is yours because only you know your medical needs; your emotional needs, and your financial needs.

We appreciate hearing about good and bad experiences with the doctors on the Specialist List. This happens within our private, on-line discussion group (Fuchs’ Friends). Because of your experiences, retirements or deaths, doctors are sometimes added or deleted from the list. That does not mean the doctors on the list are always 100% successful or that they frequently perform just one particular procedure.



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